In a world where people post about 1% of their real lives online, allowing yourself to be vulnerable can be a daunting task. And what if you’ve been hiding a mental illness, even from work and those you care about? On this episode of the Popzara Podcast our own Evelyn Wong talks with author Molly Naylor and illustrator Lizzy Stewart to discuss Lights, Planets, People!, their new empathic graphic novel that’s as much about exploring the vastness of space as it is our own personal spaces.
Molly, Lizzy, and Ev go deep into the importance of communication, regardless of mental illness and your profession, and how being open about your own shortcomings can also be a source of inspiration for others. Despite the devastating impact of the Covid pandemic on nearly every aspect of our lives over the last two years, one benefit is that mental health is now being more openly discussed than ever before – a conversation long overdue and worth having.