Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, 3DS)
A solid, if recycled game, with plenty of additional content to keep things interesting – beyond the license, that is.
A solid, if recycled game, with plenty of additional content to keep things interesting – beyond the license, that is.
Doesn’t attempt to transcend any boundaries, and exactly what you’d expect from a book of photos like these, and done well. Zombie Mermaids!
Complete and unabashed weirdness, refreshing in a way that will bolt you to place until you’ve fully experienced it.
Unfortunately tainted by the fact that its predecessor isn’t readily available, but those willing to dig in be rewarded with a fulfilling and unique adventure.
An excellent start to a new and vibrant franchise; takes what could be a fairly good hack and slash and transforms it into one of the best games of 2014.
Inherently flawed, but also a welcome mix of familiar combat, interesting characters, and JRPG elements that should please Neptunia fans.
An accomplished amalgam of storytelling, character interaction, and deduction with a macabre attitude that isn’t afraid to show its true colors.
Battle Princess of Arcadias is very much still an engaging play, even if it’s not as polished as it could be.
Best left to the bargain bin; perhaps it will be reincarnated with a sequel or an improved game in the future.
Unfortunately, Hyperdimension Neptunia: PP is one instance where Compile Heart simply didn’t produce perfection.